5 Life-Changing Benefits of Reiki


Reiki, a module of energetic healing, has endless benefits. It can relieve pain, reduce anxiety and even facilitate restful sleep. But, perhaps the most long-lasting benefits come from routine sessions.

Here are 5 life-changing benefits of Reiki.  

1. ) Eliminate Energetic Wounds

Energy is everywhere and all things have a vibration. But, sometimes energy can get stuck in the body, creating an imbalance in our qi, or life-force energy. Reiki has the power to release these blockages and eliminate negative beliefs that keep us stagnant. Gently, the practitioner allows anything that's not serving us to come up to the surface and be transmuted. We are left with a sense of relief and calm. 

2.) Carve Out a New Way of Being

As the healing occurs, we begin to feel lighter and ready for a fresh start. Stripping away what no longer serves us allows for our unique authenticity to come forward. We begin to acknowledge what we want and how to go about getting it. In this way, Reiki improves mood and helps us show up more positively in the world-- feeling empowered and more attuned to our life's purpose. 

3.) Greater Connection with Spirit

On the table, it is not uncommon for clients to receive energetic or auditory messages from spirit. It is truly the ability of every person to do this, and a way in which we are all psychic! Reiki opens this channel by balancing the chakras and facilitating energetic alignment. We learn to develop and trust our intuition without fear. After a certain time, we learn to develop and trust our intuition without fear—creating deeper relationships with others and the universe at large. 

4.) Feel Whole

Reiki balances the shedding of the old with the integrating of the new, making us feel whole. Dis-ease resolves and a greater sense of wellness takes place.  Reiki sessions can include guided meditations, smudging or singing bowls to create a feeling of deep rest. In this place, we are able to create healthy energetic boundaries around our new aligned vibration, better work/life balance and more healthful responses to stress.

5.) Become a Light for the World

The healing process of Reiki isn't always easy, but it can make us a better person. By helping us cultivate a greater understanding of the self, Reiki has the power to call forth our inner healer and facilitate the healing of others. We become more sympathetic to those who are "stuck" in a loop and less affected by those with heavier, denser energy.  As we feel happier and more abundant, we begin to share our riches with the world-- making the planet a healthier, kinder place to be. 

For more info on this, go to www.yogchakra.com/